Patient Care Technicians in California

How to Become a Patient Care Technician in California

Being a patient care technician is not an easy job, but it is fulfilling, especially if you want to take care of people. The job is similar to a CNA, but you will have additional responsibilities. As a PCT, you will play an important role in the health industry. The demand for PCT is very high, and the programs are usually short.

So if you are a resident of California with the hope of becoming a patient care technician one day, just know that there are many good options available for you when it comes to courses and salaries.

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Requirements for Becoming a Patient Care Technician in California

Here are all the basic prerequisites you must fulfill in order to become a PCT in California-

  • To qualify for the training programs and the certification exam, you must have at least a high school diploma or GED.
  • Enter a Patient Care Technician training program from the school of your choice and complete the program with full attendance. If the school doesn’t have a PTC program, you can go for CNA. You will have to attend all clinical hours, and the duration will vary between a few months to a couple of years. In many programs, the tuition will be covered up too.
  • The certification exam is for 1 hour and 50 minutes. There are 20 pretest and 100 test questions. After passing the exam, you will be listed in the California Nurse Aide Registry.
  • You must have a clean criminal background.

Patient Care Technician Job Descriptions and Requirements in California

Patient Care Technicians (PCTs) play a crucial role in the healthcare industry in California, providing direct patient care under the supervision of registered nurses (RNs) or physicians. Their primary duties include monitoring vital signs, assisting patients with daily activities, and performing basic medical procedures. Here is a detailed description of PCT jobs and their duties in California.

Job Description:
Patient Care Technicians in California work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics. They are responsible for providing direct patient care, ensuring patient comfort and safety, and maintaining accurate medical records. PCTs are trained professionals who work closely with RNs and physicians to provide holistic patient care.

Patient Care Technician Duties in California:

1. Monitoring Vital Signs: One of the primary duties of PCTs is to monitor patients’ vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate. They are responsible for identifying any abnormalities and reporting them to the RN or physician.

2. Assisting with Daily Activities: PCTs help patients with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and feeding. They also assist with ambulation and mobility, ensuring patient safety at all times.

3. Basic Medical Procedures: PCTs are trained to perform basic medical procedures such as taking blood samples, inserting catheters, and administering medication. They also perform EKGs and other diagnostic tests as required.

4. Maintaining Medical Records: PCTs maintain accurate medical records of patients, documenting vital signs, procedures, and medication administration. They also update patients’ charts and report any changes in the patient’s condition to the RN or physician.

5. Communicating with Patients and Families: PCTs communicate with patients and their families, providing emotional support and answering any questions they may have. They also educate patients and families on proper self-care techniques and medication management.

Patient Care Technician Requirements in California:
To become a PCT in California, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent and complete a state-approved training program. The training program includes classroom instruction and clinical experience, where students learn basic medical procedures and patient care techniques. After completing the program, PCTs must pass a state exam to become certified.

In conclusion, Patient Care Technicians play an essential role in the healthcare industry in California. They work closely with RNs and physicians to provide direct patient care, ensuring patient comfort and safety. Their duties include monitoring vital signs, assisting with daily activities, performing basic medical procedures, maintaining medical records, and communicating with patients and families. To become a PCT in California, you must complete a state-approved training program and pass a state exam.

Patient Care Technician Certification Requirements in California

To become a certified Patient Care Technician (PCT) in California, individuals must meet specific requirements established by the California Department of Public Health. Certification is necessary for PCTs to practice their profession legally in California. Here are the requirements for PCT certification in California:

  1. High School Diploma or Equivalent: Individuals must have a high school diploma or equivalent, such as a GED, to qualify for PCT certification.
  2. Completion of a State-Approved Training Program: Individuals must complete a state-approved PCT training program that includes both classroom instruction and clinical experience. The program typically takes around six months to complete and covers topics such as patient care techniques, basic medical procedures, and infection control.
  3. Certification Exam: After completing the training program, individuals must pass a certification exam administered by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) or the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). The exam covers topics such as patient care, medical terminology, and basic medical procedures.
  4. Background Check: Individuals must undergo a criminal background check before receiving PCT certification in California. A background check is necessary to ensure that individuals do not have a criminal history that could put patients at risk.
  5. Continuing Education: To maintain PCT certification in California, individuals must complete continuing education courses to keep their skills up-to-date. PCTs must complete 12 hours of continuing education every year to renew their certification.

It’s worth noting that the certification requirements for PCTs may vary slightly depending on the state. However, the California Department of Public Health ensures that individuals who receive PCT certification in California are qualified to provide direct patient care and follow state regulations.

In conclusion, to become a certified Patient Care Technician in California, individuals must meet specific requirements, including having a high school diploma or equivalent, completing a state-approved training program, passing a certification exam, undergoing a background check, and completing continuing education courses. These requirements ensure that PCTs in California are qualified to provide direct patient care and follow state regulations to ensure patient safety.

Patient Care Technician Employment Opportunities in California

Patient Care Technicians (PCTs) are in high demand in California, with an increasing need for qualified professionals in the healthcare industry. PCTs play a vital role in providing direct patient care under the supervision of registered nurses (RNs) and physicians. Here is a detailed description of PCT employment opportunities in California.

  1. Hospitals: Hospitals are the most common employers of PCTs in California. PCTs work in various departments, including emergency, surgery, and critical care. They are responsible for providing basic medical procedures, monitoring vital signs, and assisting patients with daily activities.
  2. Nursing Homes: Nursing homes are another significant employer of PCTs in California. PCTs provide direct patient care to elderly residents, ensuring their comfort and safety. They assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and feeding and perform basic medical procedures.
  3. Clinics: PCTs also work in clinics in California, providing direct patient care under the supervision of RNs and physicians. They perform basic medical procedures, monitor vital signs, and assist patients with daily activities.
  4. Home Health Care: Home health care is a growing industry in California, and PCTs are in demand to provide direct patient care to patients in their homes. They assist with daily activities and perform basic medical procedures, ensuring patient comfort and safety.
  5. Mental Health Facilities: Mental health facilities in California also employ PCTs to provide direct patient care to patients with mental health issues. PCTs assist with daily activities and provide emotional support to patients.

Overall, PCTs have a wide range of employment opportunities in California, with the most significant demand in hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics. They also have opportunities in home health care and mental health facilities. As the healthcare industry continues to grow in California, the demand for PCTs is expected to increase, providing more job opportunities for qualified professionals.

Patient Care Technician Salary in California

The salary of a Patient Care Technician (PCT) in California can vary depending on several factors such as education, experience, location, and industry. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median hourly wage for PCTs in California is $16.99, which is higher than the national median hourly wage of $14.52.

PCTs working in hospitals tend to earn higher salaries compared to those working in nursing homes or home health care. Additionally, PCTs with more experience and education tend to earn higher salaries.

According to data from ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for PCTs in California is $38,255. However, PCTs with more experience can earn higher salaries, with some earning upwards of $50,000 per year.

Location can also affect PCT salaries in California. PCTs working in urban areas such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego tend to earn higher salaries compared to those working in rural areas.

In addition to base salaries, PCTs in California may receive other benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Some employers may also offer additional incentives such as tuition reimbursement or bonuses.

Overall, the salary of a PCT in California can vary depending on several factors, but the median hourly wage of $16.99 is higher than the national median hourly wage, and experienced PCTs can earn higher salaries. With a growing demand for healthcare services in California, job opportunities for PCTs are expected to increase, providing more earning potential for qualified professionals.

Places to Work as a Patient Care Technician in California

Patient Care Technicians (PCTs) in California can work in a variety of healthcare settings. These settings include hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, home health care, mental health facilities, and other healthcare facilities. Here is a more detailed description of where PCTs can work in California:

  1. Hospitals: Hospitals are one of the most common employers of PCTs in California. PCTs in hospitals work in various departments, including emergency, surgery, and critical care. They provide basic medical procedures, monitor vital signs, and assist patients with daily activities.
  2. Nursing Homes: Nursing homes are another significant employer of PCTs in California. PCTs in nursing homes provide direct patient care to elderly residents, ensuring their comfort and safety. They assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and feeding and perform basic medical procedures.
  3. Clinics: PCTs also work in clinics in California, providing direct patient care under the supervision of registered nurses (RNs) and physicians. They perform basic medical procedures, monitor vital signs, and assist patients with daily activities.
  4. Home Health Care: PCTs can also work in home health care in California. In this setting, PCTs provide direct patient care to patients in their homes. They assist with daily activities and perform basic medical procedures, ensuring patient comfort and safety.
  5. Mental Health Facilities: PCTs can also work in mental health facilities in California. In this setting, PCTs provide direct patient care to patients with mental health issues. They assist with daily activities and provide emotional support to patients.
  6. Rehabilitation Centers: Rehabilitation centers are another potential employer for PCTs in California. PCTs in rehabilitation centers assist patients with activities of daily living and help them with their physical therapy exercises.

Overall, PCTs in California have a wide range of employment opportunities in various healthcare settings. As the healthcare industry continues to grow, the demand for PCTs is expected to increase, providing more job opportunities for qualified professionals.

Top Patient Care Technician Schools in California

One of the best things about California is the fact that it has many amazing educational institutions. So you have a lot of options to choose from when deciding on a PCT training program. Here are some of the best ones you can check out first:

Allan Hancock College: The CNA program of AHC is one of the best in California. You can apply between the periods of May to June and October to November. Once you get the CNA certification, you can also pursue additional certifications like health aid, restorative aide, and EKG/Monitor Observer to aim for better jobs.

California Nurses Educational Institute: CNEI’s Critical Healthcare Technician program is designed to make you a patient care provider with as many as three critical and distinguished certifications. So you will receive an advanced and well-balanced education so that you don’t face any kind of obstacle in the difficult healthcare industry. However, that also means the program is very long, with 640 hours of Theory and Clinical instruction and 160 clock hours of Externship.

Healthcare Career College: The 11-month patient care technician program of HCC will prepare you fully for the job. The best thing about this program is that it focuses on multiple skills, so you will be training for Medical assistants, Nurse Assistants, and Home Health Aide all in one. This will increase your chances of getting hired and working in a variety of settings to build more experience.

Healthcare Career College

Address: 8527 Alondra Blvd, Suite #128
Paramount, California CA
Phone: 562-804-1239
Online: Yes

California State University, Bakersfield

Address: 9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, California CA
Phone: 661-654-2441
Online: Yes

Dignity College of Healthcare

Address: 337 N Vineyard Avenue
Ontario, California CA
Phone: 951-637-8332
Online: Yes

Best American Healthcare University

Address: 6700 Indiana Avenue Suite 255
Riverside, California CA
Phone: 951-637-8332
Online: Yes


Address: 1220 West Ave J
Lancaster, California CA
Phone: 661-483-2302
Online: Yes

Simi Institute for Careers and Education

Address: 1880 Blackstock Avenue
Simi Valley, California CA
Phone: 805-579-6200
Online: Yes

Loyola Marymount University

Address: 1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, California CA
Phone: 310-338-2700
Online: Yes