Hawaii Patient Care Technician Programs

How to Become a Patient Care Technician in Hawaii

If you want to dedicate your life to taking care of others and contributing to the better health of the community, a patient care technician is an ideal job for you. For this job, you have to carry out a bunch of duties, including bathing and feeding the patients, providing catheter care, keeping patient rooms clean, monitoring vitals, doing phlebotomy procedures, and more. So it’s obvious that a PCT is not only an important part of a healthcare institute, but it’s also a difficult position to be in.

If you are a resident of Hawaii and want to become a patient care technician, here is everything you need to know about the state requirements as well as the schools.

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Requirements for Becoming a Patient Care Technician in Hawaii

The basic requirements for becoming a PCT in Hawaii are no different from those in other states.

  • You must have a high school diploma or GED.
  • You must complete a specialized training program. It can be a PCT or CNA program; either will work. You will also need CPR training, Phlebotomy training, and EKG training to gain additional skills. If the program you choose doesn’t already cover those courses, you should do separate programs for them. You can complete the training program within less than a year and receive a certification for that, but it’s better to aim for the Associate’s degree or higher.
  • After completing the program, you have to pass the certification exam taken by the NHA. 1 year of experience in the field can replace this. Anyone who has completed the training programs properly will be able to do just fine in the exam. After passing it, you will officially have your certification to become a PCT.
  • Once you have the certification, you have to take an exam to be listed under the Hawaii Nurse Aide Registry. Without being listed there, you cannot apply for a job within the state.

Navigating Patient Care Technician Education and Careers in Hawaii

Embarking on a rewarding career as a Patient Care Technician (PCT) in the beautiful state of Hawaii offers unique opportunities for education and professional growth. This resource aims to guide you in discovering accredited schools, both online and in-person, and exploring the diverse Patient Care Technician employment landscape in the Aloha State.

Finding Patient Care Technician Schools in Hawaii:

  1. Online Programs: Explore accredited online programs that cater to the flexibility needed for various schedules. Look for institutions providing comprehensive PCT training, enabling you to pursue your studies remotely while preparing for a fulfilling career in healthcare.
  2. In-Person Training: Hawaii hosts several community colleges, vocational schools, and healthcare training centers offering in-person Patient Care Technician programs. Seek out programs that include hands-on clinical experience to enhance your practical skills and understanding of patient care.
  3. Accreditation and Certification: Ensure the chosen program holds accreditation from recognized healthcare education bodies. Additionally, verify whether the program prepares you for industry-recognized certification exams, such as the National Healthcareer Association’s (NHA) Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A) exam.

Patient Care Technician Employment Opportunities in Hawaii

Major Healthcare Facilities: Hawaii is home to notable healthcare facilities like The Queen’s Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center, and Hilo Medical Center. Explore employment opportunities within these institutions, where PCTs play a crucial role in delivering high-quality patient care.

Specialized Healthcare Centers: Consider roles in specialized healthcare centers focusing on areas such as oncology, geriatrics, or rehabilitation. PCTs in these settings contribute significantly to providing specialized care tailored to the unique needs of patients.

Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities: Given Hawaii’s aging population, there is a demand for PCTs in long-term care and assisted living facilities. Explore opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of residents by offering compassionate and dedicated care.

Home Healthcare Services: Investigate positions with home healthcare agencies across the islands, providing you with the opportunity to deliver personalized care to patients in their homes. This avenue allows for a more intimate and personalized patient care experience.

Educational Institutions and Research Centers: Explore opportunities within educational institutions and research centers that offer healthcare programs. Some PCTs transition into roles as educators or clinical researchers, contributing to advancements in patient care and education.

Job Search Platforms: Leverage popular job search platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to discover current job openings for Patient Care Technicians in Hawaii. Creating a professional online profile can enhance your visibility to potential employers.

Embarking on a career as a Patient Care Technician in Hawaii offers a blend of educational opportunities and dynamic employment prospects. Whether pursuing online or in-person education, Hawaii’s diverse healthcare landscape provides a unique platform for PCTs to contribute to the well-being of its residents. Best of luck as you embark on your journey toward becoming a skilled and compassionate Patient Care Technician in the Aloha State!

Patient Care Technician Classes in Hawaii

Only a few schools in Hawaii offer programs to become a patient care technician. Here are two of the best ones-

Caregiver Training School Corporation: The CNA training program of this institute is state-approved and state certified by the Hawaii Department of Human Services. They are also licensed by the State of Hawaii Department of Education. With their quality educational courses, they strive to create the best patient care, providers. They have both day and evening shift classes.

Healthcare School of Hawaii LLC: This training institute is one of the best ones in Hawaii for those wishing to complete CNA and related programs. Aside from the usual healthcare programs, they are also an approved provider of the American Red Cross and American Heart Association CPR AED First Aid and BLS Provider Training. The 112 hour CNA program involves classroom and clinical instruction.

Healthcare Training & Career Consultants, Inc.

Address: 2130 North King Street Suite 16
Honolulu, Hawaii HI
Phone: 808-843-2211
Online: No

Leeward Community College - Office of Continuing Education & Workforce Development

Address: 96-045 Ala Ike, Room CE 101
Pearl City, Hawaii HI
Phone: 808-455-0477
Online: Yes