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How to Become a Patient Care Technician in Arizona

A patient care technician, shortly known as PTC, might seem like a pretty identical job to that of a nurse, or maybe a medical assistant. There are definitely similarities in the duties of either group of people, but a PTC will usually be in charge of a wider range of activities related to the hospital. So if you become a PTC, you will have a big responsibility on your shoulders. But that also means you will become an irreplaceable asset to the hospital and an important member of the healthcare industry.

And if you are in Arizona, chasing your dream of becoming a patient care technician is no trouble at all.

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Requirements for Becoming a Patient Care Technician in Arizona

  • You must have a high school diploma or GED. You cannot enter any patient care technician training program without that.
  • You can choose a school of your choice and enter a Patient Care Technician training program from there to receive specialized education and training for the job. If you enter a general school, you can continue normal education alongside the program. There are also online programs available. If the school you’re going to doesn’t have a PCT program, you can look for a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) program instead, which covers much of the PCT program as well. The time period of the programs may vary depending on the school and the type of diploma, but the shortest ones will usually be only a few months.
  • Once you complete the training, you have to take the certification exam that the NHA arranges to get CPCT/A certification. This exam lasts 1 hour and 50 minutes, during which you will have to answer 100 test questions and 20 pretest ones. You need to graduate from the specialized training program to sit for this exam, but one year of experience in the field can replace that.
  • You must be registered at the Arizona Nurse Aide Registry. This registry requires you to graduate from a Nurse Aid training course first and then pass the exam. So you will have to do this along with the CPCT/A certification exam.
  • You must have a clean criminal background.

Patient Care Technician Classes in Arizona

Luckily for you, there are tons of good schools available in Arizona that can provide you with PCT training programs. Here are some of the best ones you can check out first-

Arizona Medical Training Institute: One of the best medical institutes in the state, Arizona Medical Training Institute is a vocational healthcare institute located in Mesa. They are offering a wide range of programs for you. They have courses dedicated to healthcare training with CNA, Phlebotomy, Caregiver, PCT, EKG programs, and more. Daytome, evening, and weekend classes are available.

Brookline College: Brookline College has a wonderful course designed for those who wish to take the National Certified Patient Care Technician Exam (NCPCT). The expert trainers wi help you out with hands-on instruction to make you fully prepared to enter the healthcare field with confidence. The program is only for 34 weeks, and you can earn your diploma within then.

East Valley Medical College: The PCT program of this medical college is renowned, and so is their entire education system. Classes being only of 10 students or less, it is possible to ensure detailed attention to every future healthcare worker. The tuition fees are highly affordable, and the programs are designed to be quick. Moreover, you will also get access to a variety of private and state grants, scholarships, and supportive payment plans if you meet the qualification requirements.

Providence Training Institute

Address: 9189 North 59TH Avenue
Glendale, Arizona AZ
Phone: 602-606-8879
Online: No

Pima Medical Institute - East Valley Campus

Address: 2160 S. Power Road
Mesa, Arizona AZ
Phone: 800-477-7462
Online: No

Brookline College - Phoenix Campus

Address: 2445 W Dunlap Ave Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona AZ
Phone: 888-897-0540
Online: No

Phoenix College Downtown

Address: 640 North 1st Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona AZ
Phone: 602-223-4000
Online: Yes

Arizona Technical Training Institute

Address: 2515 E Bell Rd, Suite B
Phoenix, Arizona AZ
Phone: 602-607-5317
Online: Yes

Arizona Technical Training Institute

Address: 2515 E Bell Rd, Suite B
Phoenix, Arizona AZ
Phone: 602-714-3439
Online: No

Resilient Healthcare Academy

Address: 10000 NORTH 31ST AVE
Phoenix, Arizona AZ
Phone: 602-368-2106
Online: Yes

Brookline College - Tempe Campus

Address: 1140 S. Priest Drive
Tempe, Arizona AZ
Phone: 888-928-5339
Online: No

Brookline College - Tucson Campus

Address: 5441 E. 22nd Street Suite125
Tucson, Arizona AZ
Phone: 888-928-4765
Online: No

Eastern Arizona College

Address: 615 N Stadium Avenue
Thatcher, Arizona AZ
Phone: 800-678-3808
Online: No